What is Dallas County Promise?
Through the Dallas County Promise, participating colleges provide last-dollar tuition grants to students who graduate from a Promise high school with a high school diploma or associate degree. The Promise scholarship covers the gap between financial aid and the cost of tuition for up to a time limit or the completion of a degree per institution.
All Promise Partner colleges promise to support and challenge you as you make your dreams a reality. Find our list of participating colleges and universities here to see your options. Once you complete an application, verify all information and enroll at the school of your choice, you’ll be paired with a dedicated support staff who will help you navigate college.
Eligibility Criteria and Deadlines

Participating High Schools
Students must be enrolled at a participating high school by November 1 and graduate before June 30 of their senior year.

Partner Colleges and Universities
Transfer Options for Dallas College Students
Current Promise Scholars enrolled at Dallas College are eligible to transfer their last-dollar grant to one of the Promise Partner institutions under the following conditions:
- The student is currently enrolled at Dallas College pursuing an associate of arts (AA) or sciences degree (AS)**
- Minimum requirements for income (if applicable) and transfer GPA are met by the student.
Promise Scholars that meet these requirements are eligible to transfer and complete a bachelor's degree at the following institutions: University of North Texas at Dallas, University of North Texas, Midwestern State University, Texas A&M University – Commerce, Texas Woman's University, and the University of Texas Arlington.
**Students currently enrolled at Dallas College pursuing an associate of applied arts (AAA) or associate of applied science (AAS) may continue with Promise funding at the University of North Texas at Dallas only at this time.
Please review our full list of partners and/or policy document for full details and the requirements of each institution.